Monday, October 15, 2012

Dana Vollmer

                                                         Dana Vollmer

Today's topic of the week is going to be about Dana Vollmer.

                                                           Simple Facts
Today's topic of the week is going to be about Dana Vollmer! Although she is not as popular as Micheal Phelps, Missy Franklin, or Ryan Lochte she is amazing in butterfly. Here are some cool facts I think you should know about her. At the age 12 she was the youngest person to enter the Olympic trials. At the age 14 she was diagnosed with a heart condition but continued  to swim any way. She is a very dedicated swimmer. She won a gold medal at the Athens Olympics in 2004.In London she won 2 gold medals and broke a world record in the 100-meter butterfly.

                                                   Early Life and Career

Her given name from birth is Dana Whitney Vollmer and was born in New York, Syracuse November 13th, 1987 and was raised where her parents moved when she was a young girl in Granbury Texas. Swimming is in her blood. Her mother was a swim coach and had world records in England. Her older brother named Nick, swam as well and became a teacher and a swim coach.

                                       Swimming Career
Dana sadly didn't qualify For Beijing in 2008 and she was devastated. In addition she was recovering from shoulder and back injures. Since she was deeply disappointed and no longer interested in racing her US coach connected with a coach in Australia and arranged for her to go to Fiji to swim with dolphins and to teach kids how to swim. Later on she relized her love for swim and began training again.

That is my wonderful story about 3-time Olympic gold medalist Dana Vollmer!


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